Ani-Mayhem Online

Top Equipments January 13, 2010

Top 3 Most Useful Equipments

  1. Bonaparte

    Scan of 'Bonaparte' Ani-Mayhem card
  2. Lamp of Fire / Lamp of the Winds / Ring of Water

    Scan of 'Lamp of Fire' Ani-Mayhem card Scan of 'Lamp of the Winds' Ani-Mayhem card Scan of 'Ring of Water' Ani-Mayhem card
  3. Mackie's Battlesuit

    Scan of 'Mackie's Battlesuit' Ani-Mayhem card

Top 3 Useless Equipments

  1. Bio-Ball Remover

    Scan of 'Bio-Ball Remover' Ani-Mayhem card
  2. Blasters

    Scan of 'Blasters' Ani-Mayhem card
  3. Gravity Ship

    Scan of 'Gravity Ship' Ani-Mayhem card